Artist: Witchkiller
Album: Day of the Saxons
Type: Used
Condition: Sleeve (G) Media (VG)
Recorded in July 1983 at Phase One Studios, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Mixed at Track Record, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Mastered at Studio-Nord-Bremen, Bremen, Germany.
Witchkiller’s lonely little ep is an invariably enjoyable piece of metal, very honest and proud, like Judas Priest hiring the sword arm of a thicker, more medieval-minded Armored Saint, which is a group I always thought had partially jipped us by only sounding near this standard on their debut ep. Day of the Saxons is a cool album title by a coolly-named band - sometimes all a record needed were these two twin mints of marketing to catch a consumer's eye and imagination over the last record that flipped by on the rack.